Vilros Heavy Duty Pin Header Install Rig for Raspberry Pi Pico -Includes 10 Hammer In Header Pins
Compatible With Raspberry Pi Pico & Raspberry Pi PIco W
1 X Install Rig
10 X 20 pin Hammer-in Solderless Pin Headers Capable of outfitting 5 Pico Boards
Additional Pins are Available for purchase Here
Installation jig kit contains: 3 Steel Layers and 4 Bolts
The bottom layer onto which your Pico sits is the middle Layer with slots to hold the pins in place and is held in place with 2 bolts, The Top Layer is then secured with 2 additional bolts.
You then strike the top layer with a hammer to install the pins without any soldering!
Solderless headers for Raspberry Pi Pico!!
Soldering is a headache and frustrating.
If you want pins on a Raspberry Pi Pico you can easily get around this with this solderless pin install for Raspberry Pi Pico option!
Learn video below: